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Friday, June 24, 2011


Still long EUO.  It is now apparent what was already apparent back earlier in the year that Europe is insolvent.  Even though Greece's eoncomy is about the size of Florida, there has been so much leveraging of debt that nobody is sure how many countries and companies will take a hit.  Probably will be the start of contagion.  Italy is now in the firing line.  Spain will fall as will Italy (eventually).  The dollar will be the safe haven.  HOWEVER, you need to start accumulating gold and silver.  Commodities that have always had value.  Do not rely on paper money.  It is intrinsically worth 0.  I now see that IF....IF the market begins to rollover (highly likely), then the fed will interject with stimulus.  This is game over folks.  They'll probably come in large. This created inflation will be directly affect 3rd world countries and others such as Russia and China.  What I think we're looking at will be a world war.  China & Russia (others) versus US (others).  We will see very high prices and extreme inflation as other countries sell the US dollar in their currency reserves.  This in affect increases our interest rates (means the fed has to keep printing).  We have 100 trillion due (medicaid, medicare, social security) etc.. 14.3 is a joke.  The fed will continue to print until the dollar is worthless.  Think about it.  There is no way out of this.  SOOOOOO..... start buying gold and silver no matter the cost on paper.  Invest in commodities and go long energy / natural resources AFTER the fed announces a new round of stimulus.  Could be as early as August.  Things are going to get interesting.  I'm not a doomsday prophet, just logical and very well read on many indirectly related topics.  It all points to another World War once other countries are fed up with our B.S. Monetary policy.  Talk to you soon...

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