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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Europe and the Euro

Seems to me that the entire world is just kicking the can down the road.  Greece should just default and go back to their old currency the drachma.  This, as others have said, would cheapen their currency and make tourism cheap (their #1 money maker).  The problem is that we have let banks and large international banks get so powerful and greedy that they have major exposure if a country as tiny as Greece defaults.  So much so that we don't even know how much exposure they have because of the derivatives and everything else that banks are allowed to do to make a quick buck.  So, its just a matter of time and I have all the time left to watch this happen.  With austerity comes severe blows to GDP and income.  Greeks are the European union's slaves now. Although, they have another chance next month to default.  Either way, the dollar will move higher.  I still think the dollar is a piece of sh*t currency, but due to its weighing against the Euro, EUO will see some major movement.

Also, anyone notice how much crime there is anymore?  This isn't by chance.  The Federal Reserve has created inequality and increased the wealth gap during their latest rounds of easing.  Its just going to get worse as other have no choice but to rob and steal to feed their families.  I am long precious metals (physical), short the Euro (which unfortunately means long the dollar), Looking for a correction this Fall and then the fed to step in and stimulate even more.  I'll then go back to Bullish for the shor-term until it causes more problems than good and we're back in the same mess even deeper... probably in a war.

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