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Monday, February 28, 2011

World to face water shortage by 2025 - UPI.com

World to face water shortage by 2025 - UPI.com: "World to face water shortage by 2025"


The CWCO is a water play that I don't see paying out until longer-term. They pay a dividend which is nice. The main reason I'm high on them long-term is due to the clean water shortage. They desalinate ocean water for countries with poor water quality. Most likely a 10 year play. I add to my position when buying opportunities present themselves.

HERE IT IS: Your Short Course On Why The US Is Screwed

HERE IT IS: Your Short Course On Why The US Is Screwed

This puts everything into perspective. Common sense stuff. If we can curb our spending with entitlement programs, I will turn bullish on the US economy. If not, I'm long term bearish and high on commodities.
Current Positions: YCS, EUO

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stress Points In 2011 Could Be Setting The Stage For A Global Economic Meltdown In 2012

47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stress Points In 2011 Could Be Setting The Stage For A Global Economic Meltdown In 2012: "47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stress Points In 2011 Could Be Setting The Stage For A Global Economic Meltdown In 2012"

Food, food, and more food. There are too many people and guess what? We all need to eat. I've been positioning myself to short the market over the last several months as the market has continued to climb. Libya is one thing, but take this fact into account: We owe roughly 75 trillion in social security payments to baby boomers when they retire. This doesn't include interest payments on our debt. Social security is funded through taxpayer dollars. The tax base is going to significantly shrink in the next several years. How are we going to fund this? We're going to print... Or, we're going to raise taxes. Either one will have a significant impact on your life. Another astounding fact is that every fiat currency ever in existence has risen then fallen and was never heard from again. Fiat currency is one which isn't backed by anything such as gold i.e. the Dollar. My belief is that we're headed for a correction soon. Not sure how low we'll go. But, I think it will get back on track and then in the next several years is when the wheels fall off. Our public debt is too big. Why???? When you raise taxes or print money, buying power decreases. When buying power decreases, so do earnings and profits of the private sector. Its not rocket science. My opinion will change if, and when, we discover a new technology such as energy or medicine. Get your head out of the sand now.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Geithner Quietly Tells Obama Debt-to-GDP Cost Poised to Increase to Record - Bloomberg

Geithner Quietly Tells Obama Debt-to-GDP Cost Poised to Increase to Record - Bloomberg

We're really looking at a future where the fed will either print us out of debt or a collapse in the markets. I hate to be all doom and gloom, but we cannot expect printing cheap money and rising borrowing costs/debt won't have a dramatic impact sooner than later. If you learned anything from the crisis in Egypt, know that inflation is good until a point. When it crosses the point where people cannot afford food and resources needed to live, it gets ugly. Pretty soon manufacturers will pass on their costs to us or their profits will take a ding. When this happens, either people will pinch to get by, or earnings will deteriorate. There is a fine line that a country needs to walk with inflation. Too much and people cannot afford common goods which inevitably ruins an economy.

I'm currently long EUO and long YCS. These are short term plays. I like silver, but waiting for a pullback.

Friday, February 11, 2011

IMF discusses plan to replace dollar as reserve currency - Feb. 10, 2011

IMF discusses plan to replace dollar as reserve currency - Feb. 10, 2011: "IMF calls for dollar alternative"

Just a matter of time because we are devaluing our currency and it is hurting the rest of the world. Emerging markets are feeling this pain now as seen in Egypt with high food prices. We at home even feel it at the pump and grocery store. Moving off the dollar as the world's reserve currency will just make this pain worse. Prepare now...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some 43 Million Use Food Stamps - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Some 43 Million Use Food Stamps - Real Time Economics - WSJ: "Some 43 Million Use Food Stamps". So everyone knows whats going on in Egypt.... Why can't this happen in America? Don't be fooled. It can and it will if people aren't given their food stamps. Why the concern DT? Because we're over 14 trillion in debt and it continues to grow with no end in sight. In the next 3-10 years, I see the dollar being replaced as the world's reserve currency. What does this mean? Higher... way higher food and commodity prices! Also, if people can't afford to eat and our government can't afford to give freebies then guess what? Egypt is not that far removed from what we may face. Its called the normalcy theory. People don't think it can happen to them. Oh, but if our government keeps doing what they're doing, it will.

World food prices hit record high: UN agency

World food prices hit record high: UN agency: "World food prices hit record high"

Don't ignore the headlines. Higher food prices are coming. I think we're running a little hot right now with commodity prices, but in the next several years we'll be way past where we are now with food prices. Good plays on food are: DBA, RJA, CORN, and FUD. I'm waiting for a correction in prices and then will jump all over some of these. I also am very high on Cotton BAL in the coming years. Who is going to clothe all those Chinese?

I also love rice at the moment, but nobody has a damn rice ETF! All you can do is buy futures or options.

Short the Euro Symbol: EUO

My first post is going to be simple. The Euro is going to show weakness in the coming year.  Spain and Portugal aren't out of the muck.  Spain reported over 20% unemployment.  The economy is on a sugar high right now and reality will set in soon with a correction.  I suggest playing EUO.  Its an inverse 200% ETF.   This means that you are betting the Euro will go down in value.  I'm in @ 18.80.  If the Euro shows strength and it goes below $18.25, I'm doubling up.