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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some 43 Million Use Food Stamps - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Some 43 Million Use Food Stamps - Real Time Economics - WSJ: "Some 43 Million Use Food Stamps". So everyone knows whats going on in Egypt.... Why can't this happen in America? Don't be fooled. It can and it will if people aren't given their food stamps. Why the concern DT? Because we're over 14 trillion in debt and it continues to grow with no end in sight. In the next 3-10 years, I see the dollar being replaced as the world's reserve currency. What does this mean? Higher... way higher food and commodity prices! Also, if people can't afford to eat and our government can't afford to give freebies then guess what? Egypt is not that far removed from what we may face. Its called the normalcy theory. People don't think it can happen to them. Oh, but if our government keeps doing what they're doing, it will.

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